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45 Norman Way
Melton Mowbray LE13 1JE

Retail Property For Rent


  • Situated in a high profile and prominent position on the A607
  • Notable occupiers nearby include: Suzuki, Screwfix, Tool Station and Magnet
  • Ample off road car parking to the rear

Manufacturing FACILITY FACTS

Building Size
2,000 SF
Lot Size
2.00 AC
Year Built

Property Overview

The property comprises a single-story building of cavity red brick construction beneath a flat roof, which is currently configured as a retail showroom. The front elevation has been fitted with a glazed shop front, whilst there is a wooden timber framed loading bay to the rear. Internally, the property provides flexible retail / trade counter accommodation together with associated stores. WC and kitchen facilities are also provided. The specification generally includes suspended ceilings with inset lighting, painted brick elevations and carpet floor coverings. Externally to the rear, the property benefits from a reasonably large car park, providing off road car parking for circa 10 cars. To the front of the building there is a paved courtyard.

  • Listing ID: 33280592

  • Date on Market: 24/09/2024

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: 45 Norman Way, Melton Mowbray LE13 1JE

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