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NEC Alameda Rd & 11th Ave

2.8 Acres of Commercial Land for Lease in Phoenix, AZ 85085

Lot For Lease

Display Rent as

  • £0.02 /SF/PA
  • £0.00 /SF/MO
  • £0.20 /m²/PA
  • £0.02 /m²/MO
  • £2,218 /PA
  • £184.82 /MO
Lease Term Negotiable
Lot Size 2.80 AC

For lease or sale


Property Type Land
Property Subtype Commercial


  • Listing ID: 31535884

  • Date on Market: 14/12/2024

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: NEC Alameda Rd & 11th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85085

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