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Oxford, MS 38655

N Lamar 7 acres · Land For Sale · 7.50 AC

Investment Highlights

  • The location is a short distance to the University of Mississippi campus and the Oxford Square.

Executive Summary

This is an amazing mixed use development opportunity located a short distance to the University of Mississippi campus and the Oxford Square. The Urban Center District(UCN) zoning allows for 65 bedrooms per acre and buildings up to 5 stories(6 by special exception). The Ole Miss freshmen class gets larger year after year and the demand for housing is at an all time high. This land offers the opportunity to capitalize on high density residential along with the ability to provide services.


Sale Type Owner User
No. Lots 1
Property Type Land
Property Subtype Commercial
Proposed Use Mixed Use
Total Lot Size 7.50 AC
Opportunity Zone Yes

1 Lot Available


Price £5,540,594
Price Per AC £738,746
Lot Size 7.50 AC

This land offers the opportunity to capitalize on high density residential along with the ability to provide services.


This assemblage of parcels consists of raw land, 2 home sites(homes currently present but hold no value), and a commercial building.


Zoning Code UCN (Urban Center Disctrict. See attached development code document.)
UCN (Urban Center Disctrict. See attached development code document.)
  • Listing ID: 31888644

  • Date on Market: 22/05/2024

  • Last Updated:

  • Address: TBD TBD N Lamar, Oxford, MS 38655

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