Craig Mesure

Craig Mesure

Associate, Craig Mesure of BHHS Professional Realty

Beavercreek, OH 45431

Phone (937) 708-0559

Specialize in small to Medium Commercial Properties within the Columbus & Dayton markets..
Property Types
Office, Speciality, Build-to-Rent
Cincinnati/Dayton, Columbus
Craig Mesure is the Ultimate Realtor that is always working for the best outcome for his clients. Whether you are looking to buy or sell a property, Craig has the skills & resources to make the process go as smooth as possible.<br><br>Craig's previous career was as a self-employed property management specialist working with property owners to enhance the condition of their residences for re-sale. His over twenty years of experience in the field has prepared him to be knowledgeable & resourceful in handling the real estate sales process. Craig is a relocation specialist helping buyers & sellers with their needs when an unexpected move is needed to take advantage of a career boost or change. He is a designated Military Relocation Specialist (MRP) and a Dayton Regional Ambassador (DRA). <br><br>The Dayton area has adjusted to the present economic conditions well. The area has a strong economic engine in Wright Patterson Air Force Base which is generating an influx of new residents to the area. Military Families, Contractor Employees, & Professional Educators are amongst the pool of new homeowners. The University of Dayton, Wright State University, and other higher learning institutions are experiencing growth because of their reinvestments to their institutions for preparing their students to take advantage of the economic development happening within the Miami Valley. Health Care is another economic engine for our area with Kettering Health Network, Premier Health Network, and CareSource being the major companies involved. Craig keeps up to date on the latest economic trends so that he can best educate buyers & sellers on how they relate to the local real estate market. <br><br>Craig Mesure does give back to his community by participating in numerous charitable events & campaigns including, Big Brother Big Sister of the Miami Valley, Glen Helen Association, Simply Women of Ohio, & Children's Miracle Network.
  • MRP - Military Relocation Professional