Lori Burton
Vice President of Commercial Real Estate, Ridgecrest Investments
Frederick, MD 21701
Phone (301) 695-5736
Property Types
Industrial, Office, Retail
Washington, DC
Lori Zaleski manages more than 1,300,000 SF of commercial and industrial real estate projects in the I-70 corridor from Mt. Airy to Hagerstown and the I-81 corridor from Harrisburg to Martinsburg. Since Ridgecrest Investments’ commercial property portfolio consists large of underutilized industrial property in Frederick, Hagerstown and Martinsburg, much of Lori’s work entails securing and coordinating vendor activities in improving the property to make it leaseable. Many of the buildings in Lori’s commercial real estate portfolio are described on www.ridgecrestinvestments.com <http://www.ridgecrestinvestments.com>. Lori’s office phone is 301-695-5736.