Paul Valeri

Paul Valeri


Bridgewater, CT 06752

Phone (203) 948-7899

Commercial Realtor
Over 51 years full-time, effectively practicing real estate in Greater Danbury, CT. Have seen my hometown grow from being known as the Hatting Capitol of the World to where thriving Danbury now is the top generator of retail sales in all of the Nutmeg State. Owner-Broker of my own firm since 1975, responsible for negotiating the original acquisition of 51-49 Federal Road, as well as being the General Contractor for its award-winning 27,776 SF build-out in 2003. 1994 placed the current tenant, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, onto 49 Federal, where it completed its own new build-out in 2009. Following graduation from the University of Notre Dame in 1970, served in Vietnam as the S-2 for the 160th Signal Group, handling its top secret dox. Recipient of the Bronze Star for Meritorious Service. Attended law school, and chose to open my current real estate company in 1975. Concentrating on business in Western Connecticut, I was the founding president of the Greater Danbury Commercial Investment Division and back as president of the Greater Danbury Commercial Broker's Alliance in the mid-nineties. REALTOR of the Year on Greater Danbury Board of REALTORS in 1984. Heavily involved in local civic affairs, particularly, Veterans Affairs, where I founded Vet House in 2009, which continues to house 10 homeless veterans in one house, and 3 veteran families, subject to threat of homelessness in another. Joint venture with the Veterans Administration and the Non Profit Development Corporation of Danbury, of which i have been President ever since 1983. Personally managed Vet House for 3 and one-half years, before handing over the reins to the Midwestern Connecticut Council of Alcoholism. Currently, I am also on the Board of Directors of Danbury City Authority's Danbury Museum, where I chair its major fundraiser, The Hat City Ball. Serve as Trustee, since 2007, on the International Board for the Miramichi Salmon Association, which is headquartered in New Brunswick, Canada. Founded in 2009, and still run First Cast, MSA, where we introduce youths paired with adults to the sport and conservation of fly fishing for Atlantic salmon. Proud to have been inducted into the Old Timers Athletic Association of Greater Danbury Hall of Fame in 2023 for its Special Award that combines sports and civic achievements. Count on me to do my part to render transition for the the second ownership of the Harley-Davidson dealership to be smooth and fruitful. Do not hesitate to leave word anytime on my personal cell, 203-948-7899. I invite interested, qualified parties to engage with me as to the promising possibilities!