Richard Pace
CEO, Cumberland Development, LLC
Cleveland, OH 44103
Phone (216) 407-7580
Property Types
Richard Pace is a registered architect in Ohio, receiving his architectural degree from the University of Michigan in 1979. Pace became Managing Partner of van Dijk Pace Westlake Architects in 1992. During his time in management, the revenues increased from $4 million to $18 million annually.
At the end of 2001, Pace sold his ownership in the firm to his Partners and, in 2002, founded Cumberland Development, LLC. Cumberland Development currently owns and manages the Independence Technology Center in Independence, Ohio. He also owns and manages the Baker Electric Building in Cleveland, Ohio which is a tech incubator.
In early 2014, the City of Cleveland selected a joint venture of Cumberland Development and Trammell Crow as the developer for the Cleveland Lakefront project. Cumberland Development has completed the first phase at North Coast Harbor which includes Nuevo Restaurant on the East 9th Street Pier and Harbor Verandas, a mixed-use residential building next to Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Dick lives in Gates Mills, Ohio with his wife, Cheri. They have a son, Alex and daughter, Catherine. He currently serves as Board Chair of the Land Bank Charities.