Scott Carpenter

Scott Carpenter

REALTOR®, Keller Williams

Beachwood, OH 44122

Phone (216) 262-1723

Why choose Scott as your agent? He rides a unicycle! What? Isn't that enough? No? You want more! Okay, when you work with Scott, you have a knowledgeable and professional real estate agent and a committed ally on your side. You also have an experienced negotiator to help you achieve your financial goals. And because he is with Keller Williams Realty, you have the backing of the number one real estate company in the nation. When it comes to selling your home, wouldn't you want an experienced marketer who can creatively engage ready, willing, and able buyers for your home? That's Scott. He comes to Keller Williams with more than 35 years in sales, marketing, and design. What's more, this is his hometown, and he is intimately familiar with northeast Ohio, the cities, communities, neighborhoods, and the stories that connect everyone. Need a contractor? Scott has contacts across the region who can help. And he has personally renovated dozens of homes and buildings in the area. So, whether you are remodeling a newly purchased home or getting one ready to sell, he can help you. Buying your dream home is also an investment in your future. And it's a significant investment in your financial portfolio, your net worth. Are you concerned with getting the most from your investments? Let Scott connect you to the best financial advisors available. Rest assured, as your agent, he wants nothing more than to help you build wealth. Scott pledges to every client to be a lifelong ally and resource in real estate, finance, and, when you need it, Life.
  • NAR - National Association of Realtors