Doral, FL - USA Commercial Real Estate Agents


Carlos Gonzalez

Real Estate Broker at EKOS Real Estate

EKOS Real Estate Doral, FL

office (786) 245-1165


Adriana De Freitas

G & R Florida Realty Inc Doral, FL

office (786) 397-2327


Bryan Rodriguez

2500 Doral K LLC Doral, FL

Languages: English, Spanish

office (786) 568-0852


Fernando Kasabdji

Centro Doral Doral, FL

office (786) 512-3619


Bert Checa

Principal at Lee & Associates South Florida Agency Leasing

Lee & Associates Doral, FL

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese

office (786) 473-9227

mobile (786) 473-9227


Andrew Whitby

Specializing in Industrial warehouse space and Commercial properties.

Lee & Associates Doral, FL

office (305) 608-1970

mobile (305) 608-1970


Greg Milopoulos

Greg Milopoulos is Principal with Lee & Associates South Florida heading up the Broward County Industrial market.

Lee & Associates Doral, FL

Languages: Spanish

office (954) 558-1220

mobile (954) 558-1220


Lucia Custer

Lucia Custer, Executive Vice President at NAI Commercial Real Estate

NAI Miami Commercial Real Estate Doral, FL

Languages: Spanish

office (786) 433-0308

mobile (305) 975-8131


George Pino, SIOR

Specializing in Commercial Real Estate - Land, Office & Industrial properties

State Street Realty Doral, FL

Languages: English, Spanish

office (305) 447-3390 x1

mobile (786) 402-7387


Pat McBride

Industrial Real Estate Professional specializing in the disposition, acquisition, and leasing of industrial properties in South Florida

ComReal Miami – Doral, LLC Doral, FL

office (305) 619-2937

mobile (305) 619-2937


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